Archive | November, 2012

The Facts of Diabetic Eye Problems

24 Nov

Diabetes affects eyes in multiple ways and ignoring the initial symptoms lead to permanent eye damage and vision loss.  Increased blood sugar level is the major cause of retinal problems worldwide. According to retina specialist Bradenton diabetes results in serious retina problems which include.

  • Diabetic Retinopathy is a condition during which the blood vessels that supply blood to your retina malfunctions.
  • Blurred vision that is frequent during the day and is totally dependent on the blood sugar levels.
  • Cataract which is related to cloudy vision.

Retina specialist Bradenton underlines that not all diabetics develop a retina condition and some diabetics suffer from mild problems in their retina that never deteriorate or cause harm. It is strongly advised that all type 1 and type 2 diabetics take an annual dilated eye exam to be aware of their condition and start the treatment if any eye ailment is detected. The same applies to pregnant diabetic women.

Dr. Thomas Shane is an excelled ophthalmologist who specializes in all retina conditions and has offered great work to his field of practice. His services in ophthalmology are considered highly-valuable and he is also considered a top macular degeneration Manatee specialist. Macular degeneration is an eye condition mostly witnessed in older ages and that results in loss of vision and only a macular degeneration Manatee specialist can provide immediate and efficient solutions to treat this condition.

According to retina specialist Bradenton and retina Sarasota Diabetic Retinopathy can be detected with:

  • Tonometry that is a procedure where the eye pressure is measured and it might require drops to pull through the examination process.
  • Dilated Eye Exam during which your pupils’ get dilated or widen with the use of specific drops and help the ophthalmologist check your eye condition and optic nerves more thoroughly. Retina Sarasota doctors point out that vision could remain blurred after this particular process for a few hours.
  • Visual Acuity Test is the typical procedure to test your eye’s visibility in various distances.

Depending on your retina condition you might need to undergo:

  • Scatter Laser Treatment that provides great assistance in shrinking the blood vessels that are not normal and it usually requires two or more sessions to have a complete treatment. This procedure prevents the reaming eye-sight from being lost.
  •  Focal laser treatment is usually used in macular conditions and retina Sarasota specialists help you stabilize the vision through this treatment and they give the patient a 50% reduced risk of vision loss.

Contacting an established eye doctor is a necessity for any diabetes patient.

How to Tackle the Vision Care Problems?

10 Nov

Vision problems lead to blurriness, irritation, redness and water eyes. It is a requisite to attend the problems as soon as possible to prevent permanent damage to the eye. Few methods by which commonly occurring vision problems can be rectified include.

  • Tackling Corneal Abrasion – Corneal abrasion is seen in people who wear contact lenses. When the contact lenses are mishandled and worn in an inappropriate way, it leads to corneal abrasion. According to retina care Florida some common symptoms are blurriness, redness and excessive pain in the eye.  Doctors at retina doctor bradenton treat this eye ailment by using special antibiotic eye drop to prevent the infection from spreading and alleviating pain. As a contact lens user a person needs to take precautions while wearing the lens and should avoid the contact lenses when treatment of corneal abrasion is in progress.
  • Tackling Macular Degeneration – Age related macular degeneration is the leading cause of vision loss among people of age 60 years and above.  The disease affects the central retina and as days progress a yellow or a white spot starts accumulating on the retina leading to progressive vision loss.  According to macular degeneration Bradenton lifestyle is the major factor for AMD. A bad lifestyle leads to obesity, decreased anti-oxidant levels and lacks of important vitamins and mineral in the body thereby accelerating the chances of AMD to occur. AMD even runs in families meaning that is a hereditary disease. Specialist at macular degeneration Bradenton advises all their AMD patients to follow a healthy lifestyle and quit smoking and alcohol. Laser and photodynamic therapy are some effective treatments to tackle with this eye ailment.
  •  Tackling Night Blindness – Night blindness is the inability of a person to see near or far objects in dim or low light. A patient of night blindness finds it difficult to carry out the daily household chores during the night. Driving in low light is the biggest nightmare for these patients. According to retina specialist Bradenton the major cause of night blindness includes Vitamin A deficiency and cataracts. The best possible way to tackle this eye ailment is to include food such as spinach and carrot which are rich in Vitamin A. Wearing doctor recommended prescription glasses can also provide relieve to the patient. If a person suffers from cataract he/she should immediately contact retina care Florida for proper treatment.

Tackling vision problems can become an easy affair provided proper care of the eye is taken. Consulting professionals at retina doctor Bradenton and retina specialist Bradenton aids in tackling all vision care problems.